Texas Branch Frequently Asked Questions




1. Why does Texas Branch exist?

The Texas Branch was formed in 1962 by a group of forward thinking caring laboratory animal professionals who saw the need to promote technical excellence and best practices in animal care by increasing educational opportunities for people in the profession.   We are dedicated to the responsible care and use of laboratory animals through education, training and information exchange for the benefit of human and animal health.


2. What do I receive for my TBAALAS Membership?

In addition to being a member of one of the most active Branches in AALAS, you receive the following benefits:

  • Development of professional and social contacts to advance your career
  • Newsletters
  • Membership Directory
  • AALAS Learning Library Subscription
  • Member discount to annual meeting
  • Notifications of metro meetings and other educational opportunities
  • The ability to win cash awards
  • Development of leadership abilities by participating in Branch governance.
  • A vote in the future of the Branch
  • Continuing education credits


3. How do I get involved in Texas Branch?   I would like to help on a committee.

Contact any Board member or email president@tbaalas.net


4. When I try to sign in, I get a message that says my email is already in use.  What does that mean?

At some point you started to sign up for a membership using that email address or you signed up for an event using that email address.  Our database tracks by email addresses.   If you are experiencing problems with the website, email admin@tbaalas.net    We will get it corrected for you.   Do not sign up with another email address.   That will create problems later.   Again, contact admin@tbaalas.net for resolution of the problem.


5. How do I change my email address or other membership information?

You control all aspects of your membership account via your profile.   After signing in, you can go to the top right corner of the page and click the My Profile link.   From your profile, you can control all of your account settings.  Please make sure everything is correct.    When finished remember to click Save so your changes will be updated.


6. How does the Certification membership work?

Texas Branch recognizes your AALAS certification achievements by granting you a free year of membership in TBAALAS.   Send a copy of your certificate to membership@tbaalas.net .    You will receive a discount code to use when you sign up that gives you a free annual membership.   If you are already a member, your membership will be extended 12 months.   Direct questions regarding this program to the Membership Chair at membership@tbaalas.net. 


7. Does my Texas Branch membership include membership in national AALAS?

Texas Branch is a separate organization and does not include AALAS.  Membership in AALAS does not include membership in TBAALAS.  See # 8.


8.  Is the Texas Branch connected to national AALAS

Texas Branch AALAS is an independant branch of AALAS.   The various AALAS Branches are allowed to use the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science name in the Branch name and logo, but branches are not legal entities of AALAS.  AALAS has no legal responsiblity and accepts no liablity for actions of the branches.   More information



9.  Where do I renew my membership?

See # 5 above.   You renew your membership via your Profile.


10. How do I sign up for the AALAS Learning Library?

Sign in and go to the Members Only page.   Click on the ALL sign-up link.  Once you complete and submit the link, the TBAALAS ALL coordinator will process your request and send you log on information.  



11. I have some old TBAALAS materials, newsletters, photos that might be interesting to someone.  How do I get these to the Branch? 

Send an email to historian@tbaalas.net.   We are interested in any early information on the Branch.


12. How do I get information to the Newsletter?

It's easy!  Send an email to newsletter@tbaalas.net.   Please follow the guidelines below.

Text Submissions:

1.      Text submissions should be written in either MS word or Notepad

a.       12pt font size

b.      Times New Roman or Arial

                                                              i.      Bold, Underline and Italics should be noted in Parentheses

                                                            ii.      Text color should be Black or Automatic

2.      The addition of colored shapes in the document should be avoided.

3.      Include:

a.       Title of article or submission

b.      Authors name(s) First, Middle initial, Last and full title

c.       Institutional Affiliation

4.      Please do not include website links in the body text. Online resources should be added in list format at the end of the body text.

Preparation of figures:

1.      Figures are submitted electronically, separately from the text document. Do not embed any images within the document.

2.      Preferred file format is high resolution JPG.

a.       TIFF, EPS, high resolution PDF (no image compression) and SVG may also be submitted.

b.      PowerPoint slides, Excel Graphs and images embedded in Word are not acceptable.

c.       Image Resolution Quality

                                                              i.      Line art 600 dpi (for example, graphs in black and white); 300dpi for color.

                                                            ii.      Photos taken with a digital camera need a resolution of at least 4 megapixels.

                                                          iii.      Images taken by phone are discouraged. Choose the HD setting if a phone is used.

                                                          iv.      Cutting and pasting images from the web is not acceptable save for example only.

 The editors will make every attempt to accommodate individual design efforts, acquire or recreate high resolution copies if images and incorporate journalistic attributes as determined by the overall look and feel of the newsletter.

 Editorial oversight is provided ad hoc and reviewed by the available constituency however it is the responsibility of the original author(s) to provide accurate submission materials.



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©TBAALASLogo.gifTBAALAS Copyright 2019 TBAALAS.
Texas Branch is an independent Branch of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science.

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software